Astrophotography is my passion and certainly can be seen throughout this site. After all you’re here because it’s a passion of yours. Enjoy and above all, clear skies! – Kevin Francis
The new Astro Academy is open for those of you interested in getting into Astrophotography. There’s nothing like this anywhere.
Astrophotography allows Astronomers, both professional and amateur, to share what they view with you. In essence the treasures of the universe are so vast, that I cannot list all here. From time to time, astronomers discover something hidden. What I can do is utilize my experiences and photos to introduce others to some of these treasures or ignite their passion in Astronomy.
Introduction to Astrophotography (Free Course) AstrophotographyContinuous ImprovementUniversal StarIntroduction to Astrophotography3D Printing In AstrophotographyHow to Go WirelessTelescope and Mount: What to KnowMaterial Types for AstrophotographyProject Tracking/ManagementSmartphone AstrophotographyModelling & Printer SettingsMaintenance Planning (TPM)Using a DSLR CameraTools & Materials ManagementBudgetingImaging Session PlanningHow to Problem Solve with 3D Printing (PDCA Cycles)Polar Alignment & TrackingTools…